When Do Corgis Calm Down? – How To Calm Them Down

Corgis are small balls of fluff that are filled with energy and a knack for playing around. This makes them some of the most popular dogs in the world, in the 11th place out of all dog breeds. But when do Corgis calm down?

Corgis mature and calm down with time. The average time when a Corgi calms down is around 1-2 years of age. But age is not the only factor that determines when your Corgi will mature. Boredom and a lack of exercise can cause an anxious attitude. Luckily, you can do something to change that.

The Corgi Temperament

Corgis are working dogs originating from Wales. They were kept and raised on farms to keep the cattle behaving. Even though they are such small dogs, they carry themselves with confidence.

The Corgi energy level is high so it requires a lot of walks and activities throughout the day. Besides being extremely active, Corgies are very loving and attention-seeking members of the family. They are intelligent and easy to train, but they can get stubborn which makes the training process longer.

Corgis also love food, so you should be careful not to overfeed yours. They are also great watchdogs and will become suspicious of any intruder entering the house.

At What Age Do Corgis Calm Down?

The usual answer is that Corgies calm down at the age of 1-2 years. But some Corgis might take a little longer. Some Corgi owners report that they noticed their Corgis mellowed down at the age of 5-6. So it’s different for every dog.

Corgis go into heat at around 9-11 months so you can expect some noticeable changes in this period as well.

A thing to note is that Corgis are naturally energetic dogs, so age might not change much in terms of their personality. They will keep being active dogs even in old age.

Although rare, there are some Corgis that are naturally much calmer than most of their breed. This is perfectly normal and will make it easier for you to keep the dog calm.

Ways To Calm A Corgi Down

There are a few things that you can do to keep your Corgi calmer than usual. Of course, Corgis are naturally filled with energy, so don’t expect it to stop being that.


Corgis are high-energy dogs so they need their exercise to keep calm. If they don’t get enough exercise, dogs start jumping on you and barking. About 1-2 hours a day is the perfect amount of activity your Corgi needs.

You can split this into a morning walk and a night walk. Besides walking, you can also take your Corgi running or play some games with your Corgi to tire it out.

Tug Of War

Corgis are very active and doing an activity like Tug Of War can be a fun way to tire them out. It’s played with a rope and you fight over it with your pup on who gets to keep it. Sometimes, you can let your Corgi keep it, but don’t do that too often so it doesn’t feel dominant over you. This tugging game can get your Corgi a bit angry so stop the game if you feel like it’s beginning to get frustrated.


One of the most known and popular games to play with your dog is Fetch. You can play this game in the dog park or in your yard. Get a tennis ball, a stick, or anything else your Corgi can chase after and throw it somewhere. Your Corgi will run after it and then fetch it for you. With this game, you are pushing your dog to run more and it will tire out much more quickly than by simply walking.

Doggy Dates

You will stop wondering do Corgi puppies ever calm down once you get your Corgi together with other dogs. No matter if you get your friend’s dog over for a visit, or take yours to the dog park or doggy daycare, hanging out with other dogs will tire your Corgi out.

The first great thing is that dogs need socializing so they learn about new people and animals and accept them easier. The other great thing is that dogs will play with each other thus tiring themselves out together.

Puppy Pen

You should assign one area of the house that will belong to your Corgi and act as a safety net for it. One great way to do this is to get a puppy pen. The puppy pen keeps the Corgi confined to a specific area, but it has enough space to move around compared to the dog crate.

Put your excited Corgi in the pen along with some toys and maybe place a comfortable dog bed to lie on. Make sure your Corgi associates the pen with positive experiences so it won’t hate staying in it.

Buy Some Toys

Toys are a great way to calm your dog down. You can get a puzzle toy like the KONG toy and your Corgi will love it. That toy has an opening that can be filled with dog calming treats. When your Corgi chews it, a little bit of the treat gets out to reward it. Your pup will spend hours trying to take all the treats out.

Another great toy is a chew toy. It is especially helpful with puppies that are teething as it helps with painful gums. Just be careful of the type of toy you buy. There may be complications if a dog eats a string from a rope toy meant for chewing.


Corgi puppies mellow out in time, but you need to provide proper training so the dog will listen. Start training from an early age and establish yourself as the dominant so the pup knows that you are its owner. Keep the training sessions short but filled with enough mental stimulation to tire out the pup. 

Basic Commands

A great way to train a Corgi is to teach it some basic commands like “sit”, “stay”, and “down”. One good thing to teach is the “settle” command. Whenever your Corgi gets calm say the word “settle” and give it a treat and some praise. It will connect this word to the feeling so you can use the word whenever it gets too excited.


Corgis are hyper sometimes because they need to go to the bathroom. You might find odorless wet spots in your home that are there because your pup peed at home. Once it grows up, you should set a time when you will take it outside to do its deed. If the dog starts acting hyper and stands by the door, it might be time for a little walk to the bathroom.

Calm Environment

If you want your Corgi to be calm around the house, you should let it stay in a calm and comfortable space. Don’t put it in a room that has a lot of traffic or noises coming from the outside. Another important thing is to act calm around your Corgi. Dogs can sense the energy of their owner and mimic it, so act the way you want your dog to act.

Also, provide enough food so the dog doesn’t get hungry. You can give puppies evaporated milk and older dogs a high-quality meal.

Use Slow Petting And Soothing Music

Puppy energy lasts long and sometimes you need to calm your Corgi pup and relax. You can do this by putting soft music on that can actually soothe dogs. Classical music is a great choice for a soothing tune.

While the soft music is on, you can calmly pet your Corgi to calm it even more. Use slow movements and go over the whole body and not just one area. Fast movements will excite the dog instead of calming it down. You will often find your Corgi sleeping on its back after it relaxes.

Some Behaviors To Keep An Eye On

There are a few behaviors that dogs do that you need to watch out for and stop early with proper training.


Corgis are a herding breed, so it is expected of them to be bossy, feisty, and sometimes aggressive. Corgi puppies can show signs of aggression from birth which you should notice and try to stop with proper training. You can’t wonder “do Corgi puppies ever calm down?” without doing the work in the first place. Make sure to learn more about Corgi’s parents and history before getting the dog for yourself.

Aggression can develop from excessive excitement or too much energy that doesn’t get released properly. Another reason includes fear and stress. Health issues that cause pain can also lead to more aggressive behavior. It’s been noted that female Corgis are usually more aggressive and territorial than male Corgis.


Because they are natural herding dogs, Corgis are prone to barking. This barking can last a long time and will get a bit annoying if you want to relax at home.

The barking behavior itself can come from the active genes doing their thing. Corgis needed to bark a lot so they keep their herd intact. Another reason for barking is communication. Maybe your Corgi wants to communicate some message with you. Stress and fear can also attribute to barking behavior.

Puppy crazies stop later in a dog’s life, but you need to start training from an early age. You can teach your Corgi to bark on command. Train it so every time you tell it to bark, it barks. You can also teach the quiet command. This command makes your Corgi quiet whenever it gets too rowdy.

Corgi running towards the camera

Summary – When Do Corgis Calm Down?

Corgis are fun small balls of fluff that are loved by many families around the world. But they do have the habit to be very energetic due to their herding dog mentality. Usually, Corgis will calm down around the age of 1-2 years. Some people report that their Corgis calmed down much later at the age of 5-6 years.

There are a few ways to calm your Corgi down. Doing strenuous exercises like Tug of War or Fetch is a great option. Using training to teach basic commands of “quiet” and “bark” is always good. Keeping your Corgi in a safe environment and playing some soft music can also help greatly.

Besides the high energy, you must also keep an eye on your dog’s aggression and barking. Usually, they go along together and the way you can fix it is with early dog training and socialization.


Why are Corgis so hard to train?

Corgis are hyper dogs and need early training to calm down. They are intelligent dogs but they are also really stubborn and independent which makes them hard to train.

Do Corgis grow out of biting?

Corgis will keep biting through their teething process until their 5-6 months of age. During that biting age, you should give it some chew toys to chew on to relieve the pain.

Are Corgis clingy?

Corgis are very sociable and loving dogs and are described as “velcro dogs” because they will always be attached to you wherever you go. They are also more likely to develop separation anxiety.

When do Corgis calm down after neutering?

It is a misconception that Corgis will calm down after neutering. Neutering does not affect the personality of the dog itself but may decrease or increase some moods or behaviors.

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