Write For Us

We are a community of driven and passionate individuals who are enthusiastic about all things associated with dog care. And we are always open to collaborating with guest authors who share our love and zeal for our canine companions. We would love for you to contribute articles to enhance our readers’ experience.

Wondering what to write about?

We accept a diverse array of posts on dog-related subjects.

But you need to ensure that your article meets the following criteria:

  • The word count should be at least 1,500 words.
  • The content should be detailed, informative, and provide value to our readers.
  • The article should be well-structured and visually appealing.
  • The content needs to be proofread to weed out any errors and inconsistencies.

Can’t wait to submit your first article on our blog?

Reach out to us at hello@dogisa.com with the following details:

  • The topic you have in mind
  • A short outline for the post you want to write
  • A few samples or published articles (if you have any)

Please note that we only accept genuinely useful and informative blog posts from guest authors. We strongly recommend that you avoid explicitly promoting your brand or products in the content.