Can Dogs Eat Seasoned Chicken: An Informative Guide

Cooking food for our dogs is a nice thing to do and aids in bonding. Sometimes we like to add spices to foods like chicken to make it more delicious. But can dogs eat seasoned chicken?

Seasoned chicken is not recommended for dogs. The spices and seasonings can upset their stomach and even cause sodium toxicity. However, there are some great delicious alternatives that you can try to make for your pup.

What are the potential risks associated with feeding seasoned chicken to dogs?

Even if it is a delicious meal, there are some health risks of dogs eating seasoned chicken. And you need to know them before offering this food to your dog.

Sodium toxicity

Salt is a commonly added ingredient to make chicken taste better. The problem is that dogs are not allowed to ingest high amounts of salt as it can cause an intoxication. Dogs with sodium toxicity will become dehydrated, and lethargic, and might even experience seizures. If ingested in long amounts of time, a high-salt diet can also lead to hypertension. 

“Toxic doses of salt for dogs are 1.5 g/lb of body weight. If your pet is experiencing salt poisoning, make sure to give them plenty of fresh water. Your dog will try and drink the water to flush out the excess salt. Make sure to keep excess salt away from your dog and in a secure place.”, says the Pet Poison Helpline.

Spice toxicity in dogs

Besides sodium, other spices like garlic and onion powder can be added to the chicken. Even though these powders are perfectly safe for humans, they can cause serious problems for dogs. These two ingredients belong to the Allium family of plants and contain an ingredient that can destroy red blood cells. Thus, they can cause hemolytic anemia in dogs.

Allergic reactions

There are cases of developed allergies in dogs due to seasoned chicken. It is possible for a dog to be allergic to chicken, although this is a rare allergy. More commonly, the dog will be allergic to the spices and herbs added to the chicken to make it tastier. Dogs with allergies will develop a rash, itching, and digestive issues when coming into contact with an allergen.

Choking hazards

If not prepared properly, chicken can be a serious reason for choking in dogs. Bones left inside the chicken can get stuck in the windpipe and prevent the dog from breathing. If ingested, they can cause a blockage in the intestines causing bloat. If they splinter inside, they can cause a perforation of the canine digestive system which is a life-threatening condition.

What are the benefits of feeding dogs chicken?

The nutritional value of seasoned chicken for dogs is high. But it would be better if you gave the chicken to the dog without adding any seasoning.

Unseasoned chicken contains a lot of lean protein that is perfect to satisfy the nutritional requirements of dogs. Proteins help with building muscle and help dogs grow. Chicken also has a lot of vitamins like B3, B6, and B12. Minerals like phosphorus and selenium are also key parts of this food. Dr. Viola Zentrichová et al. in their study regarding the benefits of selenium for dogs say this:

Selenium is a microelement which intake is essential for correct function of the metabolism. In a dog’s body, it is important, for example, for its antioxidant function, its role in thyroid metabolism, synthesis of DNA, or reproduction. It seems that it also plays an important role in prevention and treatment of cancer.

This meaty treat contains healthy fatty acids, while it’s low in the bad fats. This prevents dogs from gaining weight while helping keep their coat and fur healthy. If cooked properly, chicken can be moist and provide some hydration for dogs, while also keeping them satiated.

What herbs and spices are safe for dog consumption?

Even if the effects of seasoned chicken on dogs are bad, there are some spices and herbs you can add without causing your dog harm. Some dog-friendly herbs include parsley, basil, and oregano. Parsley helps keep dog’s teeth fresh, while basil is filled with antioxidants. 

Turmeric is a delicious spice and it is also a great natural dewormer for dogs. It is also a known anti-inflammatory. Camomile is great because it can calm dogs, while thyme has many antimicrobial properties. Dill aids in digestion, while echinacea helps boost the immune system.

Preparing seasoned chicken for your canine companion

If you want to cook safe seasoned chicken for dogs, you should first choose a good chicken. Make sure it’s high-quality and from a reliable company. Remove all excess fat, skin, and bones to prevent any choking hazards. Cut the chicken into smaller pieces to make it easier for your dog to digest. You can also cook the chicken heart as part of the meal.

The healthiest way to cook a chicken would be to boil it. This takes only around 20 minutes and you only need a pot of water. Then, you can also bake the chicken in an oven at 350 degrees for 45 minutes. Avoid frying the chicken as the additional oils can only cause harm to dogs.

After cooking, you can let the meal cool off a little and then serve it to your dog. Consider adding some veggies to make it even healthier and filling. You can use different dog-friendly chicken recipes found online.

What are some safe ways of introducing chicken into a dog’s diet?

To the effects of seasoned chicken and dog health, you need to start with a slow introduction to the food. Start with small portions first and notice if your dog reacts in any way you deem unsafe. If everything is okay, you can increase the portion size. The amount of chicken you give to your dog will depend on its size, breed, and energy levels. Try not to overfeed your dog as it can become obese.

Are there any safe alternatives to seasoned chicken for dogs?

If your dog can’t eat chicken, there are some great dog-friendly protein sources you can try out. Consider other meaty foods like turkey, beef, or fish. All of them are protein-rich food and are perfect for dogs as they are carnivores

Besides meats, you can also feed it foods like sweet potatoes, carrots, and apple slices. Dogs can eat wild rice, so you can use it as a good carb ingredient. Other foods like cottage cheese and oatmeal are also great options. Of course, you can also choose to give your dog commercial dog food. This food is made with all the nutrients dogs need.

So can dogs eat seasoned chicken?

Giving dogs chicken is a great way to feed them nutritious food that is full of protein. This meat is perfect if cooked properly and can be given often. However, some people like adding spices to their chicken, and this can hurt dogs.

Adding salt or garlic to this meal can cause severe intoxication. Not cleaning it properly and leaving the bones in can cause blockages of the respiratory or digestive system. Dogs can also be allergic to some of the ingredients people may add to their chicken.

That said, some herbs can be delicious and healthy for dogs. If you want to give your dog a meaty treat while avoiding marinated chicken, you can try other meats or vegetables.


What parts of the chicken can dogs eat?

Dogs can eat chicken breast, thighs, and wings if the bones and skin have been removed properly. Some inside organs like the heart and liver are also perfectly edible. Dogs can also eat chicken gizzards.

Can dogs eat grilled chicken?

Dogs can not eat seasoned chicken, but grilling it plain is fine. Make sure the meat is cooked thoroughly first to prevent any contamination with bacteria. Also, if given for the first time, include smaller amounts before giving more.

Can puppies eat seasoned chicken?

Puppies have delicate digestive systems, and seasoned chicken may be too harsh for them. It’s safer to introduce plain, cooked chicken in small quantities to puppies. You can also consult with a veterinarian for guidance on their diet.

More dog nutrition resources

Here are a few other resources talking about giving certain foods to dogs and the effect they have on their health.

You can find a lot more information on the types of food you can feed your dog on our site Dogisa!

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