Does Apple Cider Vinegar Kill Worms In Dogs? Complete Guide

Sometimes, dogs eat worms by accident and develop some health issues. Dog owners try all sorts of medications for this, and some recommend using apple cider vinegar. But does apple cider vinegar kill worms in dogs?

Apple cider vinegar may help control certain worms in dogs due to its acidity. A lot of people recommend using it for their own dogs. However, scientific evidence for this cure does not agree with the claim.

What types of worms commonly affect dogs?

Dogs can get infected with different types of worms. But there are four that are the most common.

  • Roundworms are the most common worms that affects dogs. They lay eggs in the intestines and feed on the food the dog eats. Sometimes, they can travel to the lungs and cause respiratory problems.
  • Tapeworms are long, flat, tape-like worms that are segmented. Dogs can get these worms from infested fleas. You can notice if your dog has this infection if its poop has little white dots that move.
  • Hookworms are small, thread-like worms with hooks for mouths. With their hooks, they attach themselves to the intestinal wall and drink the blood of dogs. Dogs that have this worm will become anemic.
  • Whipworms have whip-like bodies and live in the beginning of the large intestine where they lay their eggs. Dogs can get this worm by being in contact with infested soil. 

If your dog ate a fly or other bug, it might have exposed itself to one of these worms that can hurt it.

What is apple cider vinegar made of?

Making apple cider vinegar for dogs worms begins by getting some apples and letting them ferment. During this process, yeast, bacteria, and sugars work together to produce alcohol. After fermenting further, the alcohol turns to acetic acid, a key component of vinegar. Then, this is reduced to 5% acidity to make it consumable.

How does apple cider vinegar work against worms in dogs?

The effectiveness of apple cider vinegar against worms in dogs happens because of a disruption of the environment in the dog’s intestines. ACV alters the pH balance of the digestive tract, increasing alkaline concentrations. This makes the intestines less hospitable for the parasitic worms. There isn’t a study that proves ACV has a positive effect on dogs. However, a paper done by Dr. Firas Mahmoud Hayajneh et al. on the effect of this liquid on sheep does prove that:

Apple cider vinegar drench and ginger powder added to ration have an anthelmintic effect almost equal to that of the strongest anthelmintic used, these herbs could be used to treat and prevent gastrointestinal parasitism and these herbs are safe for human consumers. 

How should ACV be introduced to a dog’s diet?

Whenever you are trying any new food for your dog, the rule is to start slow and see the dog’s reaction. You can try mixing the vinegar into the dog’s water or food so it’s less noticeable. 

The amount you can start with is around ¼ to a whole teaspoon of it every day. This depends on the size, breed, and age of the dog.

Make sure you get high-quality vinegar and avoid cheap brands. Raw ACV, which is organic and free from additives is the perfect option. 

Why is it crucial to consult a veterinarian before using ACV or any home remedy?

Before using ACV to treat dog worms, you should ask your vet if you can. They will first do some tests in order to diagnose the dog with worms. Then, they will advise you on the safest and most effective treatments for your dog’s specific condition. If they do allow you to use vinegar, they will advise you on the way and amount you should give.

How long does it typically take for this medication to show results against worms?

The time it takes to see results may vary depending on the severity of the infestation. It might also depend on the type and quality of the vinegar. Some types claim they kill worms within just 24 hours after starting the therapy. The average time you should expect is around 1-2 weeks though. The most important thing is to be consistent with your treatments.

Can apple cider vinegar serve as a natural alternative to synthetic options?

Dog deworming with apple cider vinegar is a great option for people who don’t want the side effects of conventional synthetic medicines. Even though they are scientifically proven to work, these medicines have some ingredients that are known to cause adverse reactions. In some cases, the worms can even develop resistance to the medication. Also, manufacturing these medications is not very environmentally friendly.

That said, ACV is not perfect too. Vinegar has not been scientifically proven to have an effect. All claims come from anecdotal evidence. The effects might not be as good or quick as traditional medicine. There is also a risk of the dog developing digestive discomfort and dental problems if the vinegar is not diluted properly.

What other natural deworming remedies could be considered for dogs?

Instead of using ACV as a remedy for dog parasites, you can try a few other natural dog dewormers to make your dog worm-free.

  • Pumpkin seeds contain an amino acid by the name of cucurbitin. This acid paralyzes worms and makes it easier for your dog to poop them out. You can use these seeds as powdered or chopped and add them to the usual dog food.
  • Turmeric is a spice known for its antibacterial, antifungal, and antiparasitic properties. It is also a known anti-inflammatory and relieves dogs of digestive irritation. It also has the role of a liver detoxifier.
  • Herbal remedies like chamomile are great for relieving digestive issues and inflammation. Chamomile itself is known to work against whipworms and roundworms. Thyme and parsley also show positive effects.

Many other remedies like carrots, coconuts, papaya, and other fruits and vegetables have also been shown to have positive effects.

Can ACV improve dogs’ overall wellness?

Besides killing dog worms with apple cider vinegar, you can also do other things. ACV is known to aid digestion and boost the immune system by being an antioxidant. “Apple cider vinegar is a probiotic. According to its proponents, taking apple cider vinegar introduces friendly bacteria into your gut, creating a better balance between the healthy and unhealthy microbes living there.” according to the Cleveland Clinic.

It can be used topically on the skin to soothe allergy symptoms like itching and rashes. It can also be used as a flea and tick repellent. 

This liquid can be used to treat yeast infections of the ears and paws. It may be able to treat urinary infections and it can be used to clean dog ears. Some owners say that adding it to food reduces the appetite of their pets and helps with losing weight. And there are some talks that it can even prevent cancer. However, there is no specific scientific evidence for many of these claims.

Conclusion: Does apple cider vinegar kill worms in dogs?

Parasitic worms can be a big problem for dogs once they get inside their digestive system. In order to kill these parasites, or prevent them from infesting your pup, you will need to commit to dog deworming techniques.

Apple cider vinegar is an ingredient that is thought to have a very positive effect in killing these worms. It is a simple liquid made from fermenting apples and works to alter the pH values of canines’ digestive systems.

Besides killing worms, this miraculous liquid is also known to improve the dog’s digestive system and help with losing weight. Unfortunately, it does have some negative effects if not given properly. If you want, you can substitute this vinegar with other natural dog repellents or commercial ones.


Is apple cider vinegar safe for all dog breeds?

The breed of the dog does not affect the effect of this treatment much. The size of the dog does matter though and it is important in order to decide the dose.

Can you use ACV as the sole treatment for your dog’s worm infestation?

While apple cider vinegar does kill worms in dogs, we do not advise using only that. You can ask your veterinarian for recommendations of a treatment plan you can follow to help your dog.

What are some signs that your dog has worms?

If your dog is infested with worms it will have problems with diarrhea and vomiting. If your dog avoids eating in the morning, this might be the reason. You may also see worms or eggs in the poop of the dog.

More dog health resources

Here are a few other resources talking about dog health.

You can find a lot more information on how to keep your dog healthy on our site Dogisa!

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