Orange Poop In Dog After Chicken And Rice – 7 Proven Reasons

If you’re a dog owner, you’ve probably experienced a few surprises while cleaning up after your furry friend. One such surprise can be the sight of discolored poo.

Orange poop in dog after chicken and rice may be due to a dietary change or food intolerance. The abnormal dog stool color could be due to excess beta-carotene in chicken skin or some added spices. There are situations where you will need to react to help your dog.

What does normal dog poop look like?

The look of dog excrement can vary depending on a few factors, but the average one typically has a brown color. Dr. Jessica Vogelsang explains the reason for this:

During normal digestion, the gallbladder releases bile to aid in the breakdown of food. Bilirubin is a pigment in bile that affects stool color. The stool may have some minor deviations in color due to diet, hydration, or dyes, but you shouldn’t see substantial changes.

The stool texture should be firm and have a sausage look with a consistency similar to Play-Doh. It shouldn’t be too dry or wet making it easy to pick up. Typically it should have a smell, but not a really foul odor.

What causes orange poop in dogs?

If you do find your dog’s poo in an unusual color, you will suspect that something might be wrong. But there are a few causes for it.

How do dietary changes impact poop color in dogs?

Changing the dog’s diet should be a slow process. Dogs can be sensitive to new foods and react with digestive issues. If it’s the first time you are giving your dog chicken and rice, it might start pooping orange because of it. This change should be temporary and last a short time. Some dogs don’t know when to stop eating so you should also control the amount and speed with which it eats.

How do food additives and coloring affect dog poop?

You may want to add some spices or colorings to your chicken and rice to make it tastier. Once these get to your dog’s stomach they can transfer their pigment to the dog poo causing it to turn to another color. To avoid this, don’t add any additives to the food you plan to feed your dog.

Are there some liver diseases behind this phenomenon?

The reason behind a dog’s feces turning orange after eating chicken and rice could be a problem with the gastrointestinal health of dogs. If your dog’s liver has a tumor or inflammation it will stop working normally and be a cause of poop change. Other accompanying symptoms may be vomiting and fever.

Can gallbladder problems cause this?

Besides the liver, the gallbladder and bile ducts are also responsible for the look of the poo. If they get obstructed by a gallstone, they won’t be able to do their job. In fact, they can get inflamed leading to a condition called cholecystitis. “Clinical signs of acute cholecystitis include abdominal pain (may only be postprandial), fever, vomiting, ileus, and mild to moderate jaundice.” says Dr. Sharon A. Center. If it’s not treated on time, the gallbladder can even rupture and cause additional problems.

What about inflammatory bowel disease?

IBD is a condition that causes the dog’s intestines to get inflamed and not work properly. This causes problems with absorption of key ingredients thus changing the look of the dog’s poop. The condition can happen due to dog food allergies, infections, or genetics. Davies Veterinary Specialists explain the symptoms as such:

Common signs include chronic (typically >4 weeks duration) vomiting, diarrhoea, reduced appetite, weight loss, flatulence or a rumbly tummy/abdominal discomfort. These vary in severity and can be persistent or intermittent, with some patients experiencing episodic symptoms.

Could the other foods in the dog diet be responsible for the situation?

Except for seeing orange feces in dogs after chicken and rice, you can also see it with other foods. All foods that are high in beta-carotene can turn poop orange or yellow. Such foods include carrots and sweet potatoes. Pumpkin is good for dog diarrhea but it can also cause orange droppings.

Can stress cause changes in a dog’s stool color?

If your dog feels stressed, it may respond by developing diarrhea with a changed color. Dogs can get stressed due to loud yelling and sirens in the neighborhood. Changing the environment can also cause this condition. Dog breeds like Beagles that suffer from separation anxiety are also known to leave orange poops around the home.

How should this phenomenon be addressed?

In many situations, you should not do anything and simply observe the dog. If the droppings don’t go back to their normal color in a few days, then you can think of things to do.

What steps can be taken if orange poop is diet-related?

If you think that the chicken and rice diet is making your dog’s fecal matter orange, then change the diet to something that works better. Gradually remove the new food you added into its routine. If the color goes back to normal, you will know the cause.

Giving a proper dog diet with boiled chicken and rice without any additional spices and dyes should soothe the stomach upset and get the color back to normal. Avoid giving any foods high in carotenoids that contain the orange pigment. “Food sources of these substances include brightly colored fruits and vegetables like spinach, kale, corn, orange bell peppers, tomatoes, watermelon, pink grapefruit, cantaloupe, broccoli, and carrots.”, says Dr. Maggie Green.

When should you consult a veterinarian?

The dog’s poop turning orange due to chicken and rice can be accompanied by other symptoms. In that situation, you should consider calling a vet and asking for advice. They will ask you for more information regarding the situation.

They might need to know how old your dog is and what breed it is. Its current diet plan is also essential in knowing the reason for this condition. Then, they might suggest some home remedies or ask you to bring your dog to their office for further diagnostics.

Can you prevent orange poop in dogs?

Make sure you feed nutritious food and avoid anything that your dog reacts badly to. Dogs can be allergic to certain foods and those should be eliminated from their diet plan. Keep an eye on the dog’s dung and have a schedule where you can write down if there are any changes in the consistency. This is key to finding out the culprit of the dog’s digestive problems.

Orange poop in dog after chicken and rice – Conclusion

It’s normal to worry about your dog’s health. Especially if it shows weird symptoms like having orange excrement. But this can be a completely normal occurrence if done after eating chicken and rice.

If it’s the first time that your dog is eating this food, that might be the reason for it. Adding any additives to the food may also color its poop. Additional veggies in the meal like carrots are also known to cause the feces to change color.

However, some health issues can also lead to this problem. If the orange pooping continues for a long time and you can’t fix it by yourself, you should consider asking for veterinary advice. They will tell you some natural remedies or treat the dog to fix the problem.


What other colors of dog poop are bad?

Besides orange, your dog may produce green feces. These are a sign that your dog has eaten grass. Black fecal matter is dangerous and means that there is an active bleed inside the GI tract. Red excrement can be a sign of fresh blood.

How long does it take for a dog’s poop to return to normal after dietary changes?

This depends on the reason that causes the poop change. If it’s one specific food, removing it will clear things up in a day or two. Long-term dietary changes or sensitivities will need more time to be cured.

Are there alternatives to chicken and rice for dogs with sensitive stomachs?

If you see orange poop in dog after chicken and rice then you can find a better substitute. Boiled turkey and sweet potato is a good combination that increases the protein intake to keep the dog healthy.

Are there any specific dog breeds more prone to dietary sensitivities?

Breeds like the Bulldog and German Shepherd are known to be more sensitive to stomach issues. The same is true for the Lhasa Apso and Golden Retriever. But it’s important to remember that every dog is an individual.

More dog health resources

Here are a few other resources talking about dog health.

You can find a lot more information on how to keep your dog healthy on our site Dogisa!

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