10 Reasons For A Pink Spot On Dogs Lip: Should You Worry?

Some changes on your dog’s body can be normal but look worrying. A pink spot on dogs lip is one of those changes that may worry any dog owner.

Dogs can have pink spots on their lips for simple reasons like old age and seasonal changes. Trauma and allergies can also cause this, but some skin disorders may also be the reason. These aren’t the only reasons for this pink lip discoloration. 

Why Is There A Pink Spot On My Dog’s Lip?

There are a few reasons why your dog might have a pink spot on its lip. The canine papilloma virus and discoid lupus erythematosus are a few chronic diseases that need vet attention. But there are some very simple reasons for this occurrence.

Change In Seasons

One common reason for dog lip discoloration is the yearly seasonal changes. Due to the higher sun exposure in summer, your dog’s lips will usually have a darker color. This is because the sunshine increases melanin production which gives a darker color to the skin.

During fall and winter, the sun is not as present as in the summer. Usually, people tend to stay inside for longer during these periods and so do their dogs. Because the dog doesn’t get enough sunshine, it will also have its melanin levels will decrease. This will lead to a pinkish discoloration of its lips.

Old Age

Your dog will endure physical changes while aging and this is absolutely normal. This is more noticeable in longer-living dogs. For example, Blue Heelers live to 16 years long, so they have a higher chance of developing it.

Skin depigmentation is a common change and will leave the dog with some pink spots. Sometimes, these pink spots occur on its lips. Usually, lip discoloration in dogs that have darker skin will be more noticeable. Puppies will also have pink lips due to the low amount of melanin cells at an early age.

The dog might also get black spots on its body. One worrying change is when the dog gets black spots on its balls, a change that can be totally normal.

Excess Salivation And Tearing

There are many reasons why a dog might produce a lot of saliva or tears. Some reasons for excess tear production include eye infections and blocked tear ducts. Some health issues that cause excess drooling include:

  • Dental problems like broken teeth or periodontitis
  • Motion sickness
  • Intoxications
  • Some medications
  • Gastrointestinal irritation

Saliva and tears contain ingredients called porphyrins. These porphyrins are created when the red blood cells break and are usually disposed of through poop. But some find their place in saliva, tears, and urine. Porphyrins have a pinkish-brownish color that can easily stain the dog’s lips and cause pink spots.


The pink growth on the dog’s lip may be a result of an allergic reaction. Allergies are common in dogs and may appear due to many reasons. Some common allergens include different foods, dust, insects, medication, and pollen.

The allergic reaction will appear suddenly and be accompanied by other symptoms. Other symptoms besides the discoloration include:

  • Itchiness
  • Swelling
  • Rashes in other parts of the body
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Breathing difficulties

If you notice any of these symptoms, you need to think if the dog has had contact with something new. Sometimes dogs will have diarrhea at night as a cause of food allergies developed from food given in the evening.

Skin Pigmentation Disorders

There are a few skin pigmentation disorders common in dogs. These include vitiligo, impetigo, and lentigo.

Vitiligo is a skin disorder that causes patches of depigmentation along the body, including the lips. It happens because the melanocytes in the skin stop working. Usually, the patches have a white or pink color. This disease does not cause discomfort and can not be treated with medication.

Lentigo is a skin issue where patches of hyperpigmentation are formed along the body. These appear as black or darker pink spots. Lentigo also doesn’t cause discomfort and isn’t treated with medication.


Another skin disorder that causes pink pigmentation on a dog’s lip is impetigo. This is a lip infection known for the small pustules with red borders it causes to appear on the skin. Sometimes, they will pop and excrete a yellow substance. Once, popped, the pustules dry out and form a crust. 

Impetigo forms on areas that have no or little hair. This disease can not spread from one dog to another and is not contagious. Unfortunately, it does cause discomfort for the dog and should be treated promptly. If not treated by a vet, this condition can lead to necrosis and more complications.

Canine Papilloma Virus

Papillomatosis is a contagious disease caused by the canine papilloma virus. It causes the formation of oral papillomas, which are little tumor-like projections on the skin. They can form on the dog’s lips, gums, and mouth. Their pink color is very noticeable, especially in the early stages.

This disease can be contracted by direct dog-to-dog contact with an infected dog. Sometimes, the dog only needs to come in contact with an infected object to become infected with the virus. This can include objects like toys, food bowls, or other personal items of an infected dog. The dog should have some breaks on the skin to get infected.


The pink spot on your dog’s mouth might be a result of some kind of physical injuries. Dogs will use their mouths and noses to explore the world and might get injured in the process. Usually, the bottom lip gets more than the upper one.

The injury can occur due to playing with other dogs when your dog gets scratched or bruised unintentionally. If the dog has a habit to chew aggressively or damaging furniture, it might get injured by accident.

If you notice a wound on your dog’s lip, you should treat it as soon as possible. These wounds can get infected and cause a lot of complications.

Discoid Lupus Erythematosus

This is a canine autoimmune disease that causes the immune system to become dysfunctional and starts attacking its own body. It is noted that dogs that are more exposed to the sun have a higher chance to develop skin changes. This is because the UV rays from the sun trigger inflammation.

If your dog has Discoid Lupus Erythematosus, you will notice some scabbing and crusting of the skin accompanied by depigmentation in that area. Ulcerations, erosions, and lesions will also form. Usually, the skin around the nose will be most affected. Then, it might spread to the skin around the eyes, ear flaps, and genitals.


One of the worst things for a pink lesion on a dog’s lip is cancer. Cancers can affect the skin on the lips causing inflammation and lip abnormalities.

Different canine oral tumors exist, and one of them is called cutaneous lymphoma. This cancer occurs due to an abnormal replication of lymphocytes. It makes patched lesions that can often occur on the lips, gums, or nose, but they can also appear anywhere on the body. These lesions can sometimes bleed or get infected.

Cancer is a serious diagnosis and requires help from a vet. If you are concerned that your dog might have cancer, consult your vet for help.

How Do You Treat A Pink Bump On A Dog’s Lip?

Treating a pink bump will depend on the reason for its occurrence. If the bump is a result of some infection, the best option would be to apply an antibiotic. Some corticosteroid creams can also help with inflammation. But there are other ways to help your dog.

Early Prevention

To prevent the pink bump on your dog’s lip from forming, you can do a few things. To protect the dog from canine oral infections, help its immune system by feeding it a healthy diet. Also, clean its mouth and teeth daily to keep the environment clean. 

If the dog skin growths are a result of physical trauma, you need to clean them carefully. The deep wound would also need stitches done by the vet. Give enough exercise to the dog to keep it healthy and prevent aggressive chewing.

If you know that the dog is suffering from Discoid Lupus Erythematosus, avoid getting the dog out in the sun. A good sunblock will help prevent the pink bumps from forming.

Wait It Out

Sometimes, the causes of the pink spot on dog’s lip aren’t serious. When you first notice the bump, examine the mouth of the dog. See if there are any other changes present. Look for swelling, inflammation, or other discoloration. If there are no other weird changes, there is no real cause for concern.

If the dog is older, you can expect these changes due to aging. If the seasons changed from summer to fall, you can expect some discoloration as a result of less sunshine. If the dog has a known chronic disease like Vitiligo, the changes are probably a result of that. If you think that the dog is allergic to some food, avoid giving the food and see if the bumps disappear.

Ask The Vet For Help

If notice any other changes besides the pink pigmentation on your dog’s mouth, this may require a visit to the vet. The dog might also show some symptoms of discomfort, pain, difficulty eating, or other unusual behavior. Some dogs will bark excessively due to pain.

Make it a habit to check up on your dog’s health from time to time. Any strange changes could be a reason to get that dog to a vet. If you notice any inflammation, swelling, strange lesions, or changes in color, ask the vet for help.

Once the vet diagnoses a disease, they will make a treatment plan. This can include medication like antibiotics, ointments, corticosteroids, or oral medication. In rare cases, surgery might be required.

So What Is A Pink Spot On Dogs Lip Supposed To Be?

The pink spot appearing on your dog’s lips may occur due to many reasons. An aging dog will have these changes appear on its body. If the dog is younger, a simple change of seasons may be the reason. Dogs that drool a lot may also have these changes appearing due to the porphyrins in the saliva.

These changes can also appear due to more serious problems. Skin allergies are one reason why the dog might start showing pink bumps on its lips. Some skin pigmentation disorders like vitiligo, lentigo, and impetigo may also cause those bumps. Chronic diseases like Discoid Lupus Erythematosus and Cutaneous Lymphoma are other serious causes.

To help your dog, improve its immune system and maintain proper canine oral hygiene. If you notice serious symptoms besides the pink spots, ask the vet for help.


How can I treat my dogs lip sores at home?

If your dog has pink mouth sores, the best thing you can do is maintain hygiene by cleaning the mouth and teeth daily. Then, you can apply any needed antibiotic or corticosteroid creams as needed.

What does a cancerous growth look like in a dogs mouth?

A cancerous growth may appear like a pink spot on dogs lip. Sometimes, it may have a darker color, or not change color at all. It can appear as a smooth lump, or have a cauliflower appearance.

What does melanoma look like in a dog’s mouth?

Melanoma may appear as a black or pink bump on the dog’s mouth. The dog may also have other symptoms like excessive salivation, and pain while eating and dropping the food from its mouth. A swelling may also appear.

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