No Scoot vs Glandex: Choosing The Best Anal Gland Product

Dogs are prone to developing problems with their anal glands. You can help them by getting specific medications designed for this disease. We compare two of these medications – No Scoot vs Glandex.

No Scoot and Glandex are both designed to address anal gland issues in dogs. Glandex provides different flavors dogs can enjoy, while No Scoot offers a cheaper price. There are different ways you can decide which one you want to use for your dog.

What are anal glands and why are they problematic?

They are two small sacs on each side of your dog’s anus. They are lined with glands that produce a bad-smelling liquid useful when a dog needs to mark its territory. It is like an identification card for every individual dog.

These glands can be emptied when a dog has a bowel movement, or in other situations like stress. Sometimes, these glands can get impacted due to inflammation and the liquid stays inside the gland, becoming a perfect breeding ground for bacteria. It ends up creating a condition called anal sac disease. Dr. Malcolm Weir, describes the symptoms of the condition as such:

The first sign is often scooting or dragging the rear end along the ground. There may be excessive licking or biting, often at the base of the tail rather than the anal area. If the anal sac ruptures, you may see blood or pus draining from the rectum. Anal sac disease is very painful. Even normally gentle dogs may snap or growl if you touch the tail or anus if they are affected.

Luckily, medications exist that can deal with this problem and help your dog to get better. That is why you use Glandex or No Scoot.

What is Glandex and what is it made of?

This medication is one of the best anal gland supplements for dogs. Its goal is to cure symptoms like scooting, discomfort, and inflammation of the anal glands. The results from giving this supplement can take up to 3-5 weeks to occur.

How do the essential ingredients work?

By comparing No Scoot and Glandex, you can notice the latter has all-natural ingredients. This means it doesn’t contain anything artificial. It is great for dogs with allergies as it avoids allergens like wheat and corn. 

One key component of the supplement is pumpkin seeds, which are a great source of fiber. Pumpkin is known to help dogs with diarrhea by promoting regular bowel movements. These seeds contain omega-3 fatty acids that are key in reducing inflammation. They are useful for the dog’s immune system, coat, and joints.

This drug includes many digestive enzymes that help break down food and improve nutrient absorption. The probiotics and prebiotics included help with maintaining a healthy gut microbiome which improves digestion.

What advantages does this supplement offer?

Looking at the benefits of Glandex versus No Scoot for dogs, you can see the former has some great things to offer. For one, this medication is easy to administer as it is made in the form of a chew. The chews can be either peanut butter or beef flavor, which are things your dog loves.

The natural components prevent any complications from occurring due to improper manufacturing. They are all approved and formulated by vets so it’s not something your vet would be against. The effects are relatively quick to occur after starting treatment. The gastrointestinal system also improves which is another bonus.

What is the supplement No Scoot for?

This drug has a similar goal to the previous one, as its main goal is to improve the dog’s anal gland health. It focuses to treat anal gland problems in dogs while eliminating unwanted symptoms like scooting.

What are the primary ingredients?

Looking at the Glandex and No Scoot differences, you can notice their key ingredients differ. Just like the previous product, this one also includes pumpkin seeds which are rich in fiber. Another important part of this medication is psyllium seed husk. This husk provides important dietary fibers that help with digestion and promote healthy bowel movements. “Psyllium husk can be useful in the management of chronic large-bowel diarrhoea in working dogs, which exhibited lower defecation frequency, improved stool consistency, and gained weight.”, says a study done by J. C. Alves et al.

The flaxseeds included in the formula also provide fiber, as well as essential fatty acids that affect the immune system and coat health. Dandelion root is included in the mix and is used as a natural diuretic, but it also helps keep the liver healthy. It contains probiotics like Lactobacillus acidophilus to improve digestive health.

Are there any advantages of using this medication?

You need to know the benefits before choosing between Glandex and No Scoot. The latter is specifically designed to be gentle on the dog’s digestive system by using components unlikely to cause irritation. The fact it’s high in fiber means it helps digestion and keeps the digestive system healthy. This means preventing conditions like diarrhea.

The other ingredients included in this mix work together perfectly to ensure your dog’s gastrointestinal health is top-notch. Because this supplement focuses on eliminating scooting, it promises you will have clean surfaces in your home. Using it in the form of chews is beneficial as it can be easily administered to dogs. 

How do these medications compare?

Now that you know what are No Scoot and Glandex, you need to decide which one fits you best.

Which product proves more effective in addressing anal gland issues?

Both products are effective in their task to support anal gland health while reducing scooting problems and other symptoms. For both, a few weeks are needed before the wanted effects occur.

The good thing about Glandex is that it comes in two flavors – peanut butter and beef. No Scoot claims to have a great flavor, but it doesn’t specify which one.

How do the costs of these products compare?

To correctly compare the prices between the two companies, we will use their products including 120 chews without any additional ingredients. 

  • Glandex supplements with pumpkin that contain 120 chews are currently priced at $54.99 on their site.
  • The No Scoot supplement with 120 chews currently holds a price of $21.99 on Amazon.

There is an obvious result here in which the second option is more affordable for dog owners.

What are the side effects of each product?

Using Glandex or No Scoot for anal sacs should not result in any complications or side effects. The first explains that when including this supplement for your dog, you may find its stool becoming larger. Some pet digestive issues like flatulence and soft stools may happen but shouldn’t be too problematic. 

You can fix them by halving the amount of chews you give for a few days before getting them back. No Scoot does not give any information about the drawbacks of their products. However, both recommend to consult a vet before introducing the supplement to your dog’s diet.

Are these products easy to use?

The product offered by Glandex can come in a few different versions. It is available as chews, powders, and granules, and allows you to choose which type you think best fits your dog. No Scoot comes in chews and powder form which also allows for you to make a choice. This enhances the ease of giving the product to your pup.

Are there any alternative natural remedies and practices?

Besides using Glandex or No Scoot, you can try other things to help your dog. Giving a high-fiber diet should be your focus when dealing with dog digestive issues. But be careful, as no more than 10% of the dog’s daily food intake is allowed. Feeding dogs vegetable soup can be a great way to provide fiber while increasing other nutrients in their diet. Including normal amounts of water is essential.

Except for the food, you need to make sure you keep the dog active by providing exercise. A morning and evening session should be on your daily schedule. Regularly expressing your dog’s anal glands is also important. If the dog already has had problems with this, doing it every month might be a good idea. Decreasing the dog’s weight and preventing obesity is also necessary.

So have you decided between No Scoot vs Glandex?

Anal glands are useful organs for dogs and essential in their social life. However, they can cause serious problems that will cause discomfort. This is why dietary aids like No Scoot and Glandex exist.

The former is a supplement in a chew or powder form that has the goal of eliminating scooting while providing a healthy anal sac. Its ingredients provide a lot of fiber, while the price is reasonable for dog owners.

The latter is a supplement coming as a chew, powder, or granules. It offers to fix the problems with the anal sacs while providing digestive health for the dog. It is mostly based on pumpkin seeds but has a higher price than its competitor.

Deciding between these two could be confusing. However, both products are great at what they do and will be a good choice for anyone.


Can I use both Glandex and No Scoot together?

Using only one of these products should be enough to help your dog. Doing this should only be done if a veterinarian recommends it and provides the reason for doing so.

What’s the recommended dosage for these medications?

The dose you use for your dog will depend on a lot of factors. Both No Scoot vs Glandex offer differently dosed products. Dogs of different breeds and sizes can take variable amounts. It is best to consult with a vet on this question.

How can I express my dog’s anal glands at home?

It is best to let your vet do this, but if you want to you can put on some latex gloves and do the job yourself. Apply some lubricant on your finger and enter the anus. Push on the small sacs near the anus and empty them properly. You can give valerian root to the dog to calm it down before the procedure.

More dog health resources

Here are a few other resources talking about dog health.

You can find a lot more information on how to keep your dog healthy on our site Dogisa!

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