Can Dogs Have Ginger Ale? Revealing The Benefits And Risks

If you’ve ever had a tummy ache, you’ve heard someone tell you that ginger ale can help with that. So what if your dog has a stomach ache and you want to help it? Can dogs have ginger ale?

Dogs should avoid ginger ale due to its high sugar and artificial additives. These can lead to digestive issues and obesity. But there are other great ways that you can help your dog hydrate and stay healthy.

What is ginger ale and what are its ingredients?

Ginger ale is a carbonated sweet soft drink that has the taste of ginger. It was invented in 1812 by a German man. Initially, it was sold in France, and in time it was brought to America.

It can either be made of ginger root, water, and molasses to make it more traditional, or it could be made with artificial ginger flavoring. The commercial kind, besides having an artificial taste, also includes carbonated water and sugar or high-fructose corn syrup.

What are the potential dangers of ginger ale for dogs?

Even though it is a tasty and refreshing drink, it can cause a lot of problems for dogs. And all are caused by specific ingredients included in it.

Problems with sugar

Usually, commercial ale has a lot of sugar to make the beverage taste better. Sugar itself is bad for dogs if ingested in high amounts. Long-term ingestion can lead to the dog developing diabetes. According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, “Diabetes in dogs and cats can occur at any age. However, diabetic dogs are usually 4-14 years of age and most are diagnosed at roughly 7-10 years of age.” Sugar can also lead to dogs gaining weight and becoming obese.

Corn syrup as a substitute

Some companies use corn syrup to manufacture their drinks because it tastes sweeter. Even if it is cheaper for the manufacturers, this syrup can be bad for your dog. It has the same effects as sugar and quickly works to spike the dog’s blood sugar levels.

Artificial sweetener toxicity

Ginger ale is not safe for dogs even though it might not contain sugar in its ingredient list. To remove sugar, manufacturers will add artificial sweeteners like xylitol to the drinks. The problem is that xylitol is very toxic to dogs and can cause seizures and even death.

Carbonation and bloating

Because it is a carbonated drink, ginger ale can cause your dog to feel bloated. You’ve probably experienced the same issue yourself. Dogs that already have problems with an upset stomach will only get worse after drinking anything that is carbonated.

Citric acid and erosive properties

The sour taste you get from this beverage is the result of adding citric acid. The problem with this ingredient is that it can damage your dog’s teeth due to its corrosive effects. Having a low pH value also means that the ingredient can irritate your dog’s gastrointestinal system.

Are there benefits of ginger ale for dogs?

Yes, ginger can offer some potential health benefits for dogs. It’s known for its anti-inflammatory and anti-nausea properties, which can be especially helpful for dogs with motion sickness or upset stomachs. The carbonation helps with digestion as it helps move the food through the gastrointestinal system quickly. 

To achieve these benefits, you should find ale that is made with fresh ginger. Or just give ginger as it is. Any snacks or drinks that have the flavor won’t be as effective and may only cause problems. For example, dogs should not eat ginger snaps as they can also cause problems.

What are safe and healthy alternatives to ginger ale for dogs?

There are other ways to achieve the good effects of this beverage by using substitutes for ginger ale for dogs. Fresh, clean water is always the best choice for dog hydration. This is especially essential for dogs that keep vomiting.

To settle digestive issues, you can try making some pumpkin soup or smoothies. Pumpkin works amazingly for dogs with diarrhea due to its high fiber content. Bone broth is another great alternative as it is known to contain collagen which keeps dog’s joints healthy.

How can canine stomach discomfort be addressed?

Dogs can’t tell us when they’re feeling unwell, but they can show us through their behavior and bodily changes. All dogs have problems with their stomachs at some point, especially once they get old. For example, an old Jack Russell will have more problems with its appetite and digestion once it reaches senior age.

If you notice signs like diarrhea, vomiting, and bloating, check to see if your dog is actually fine. See if it had anything to drink or eat that it shouldn’t have. Monitor for any additional symptoms that make sense. Then, you can contact your veterinarian and ask for help. They will advise you on how to proceed and if you should bring your dog to their office.

How to feed ginger to your dog?

Feeding ginger ale to dogs should be avoided, but giving fresh ginger can be beneficial to them. Make sure to prepare the ginger yourself by skinning it, then mincing, grating, or grinding it into small pieces.

The amount of it you’re going to be giving to your dog should be determined depending on the dog’s size, age, and breed. Smaller dogs should have no more than half a teaspoon, while larger ones can have a full teaspoon. If you give too much of it, your dog may experience side effects like gas and heartburn.

Dr. Rania Gollakner explains the proper way to give ginger to dogs:

Ginger is given by mouth in the form of a powder, tablet, liquid tincture, capsule, or as the fresh root. It may be given with or without food; however, if vomiting occurs on an empty stomach, give future doses with a small amount of food. Measure liquid forms carefully.

Instead of giving it by itself, you can mix the ginger into wet or dry dog food. You can also try making and giving ginger dog treats at home. Just remember to avoid adding sugar, salt, or other spices. Ginger tea can also be a great option. You might also find some dog-friendly ginger ale recipes online.

Can dogs have ginger ale? – A conclusion

This sparkling drink is the perfect one to have if you are having some problems with your stomach. Served cold, it can also be amazing for freshening up during the hot summer days. Ginger is also considered one of the nausea remedies for dogs. But it is not recommended for dogs for a few reasons.

Ginger ale contains sugar, corn syrup, or artificial sweeteners that can cause harm to dogs. From diabetes to seizures, this drink can be very problematic for dogs. Besides that, it is also carbonated and can cause digestive issues. These can be caused by high amounts of citric acid as well.

To avoid the side effects and get the benefits from ginger, it is best to serve it fresh. If you do want to give it as a treat, you can make some ginger cookies at home.


What other human beverages should I avoid giving to my dog?

Coffee is a common drink humans like that can be very toxic to dogs. Any alcoholic beverage can also cause a lot of damage. Sports drinks also contain ingredients that can mess with the dog’s health.

Can dogs drink fizzy beverages?

It is best to avoid giving any kind of carbonated beverages to your dog. The carbonation itself is bad for dogs and can cause problems. But these drinks usually have a lot of sugar as well which is really bad for dogs.

Can I give my dog a small sip of ginger ale?

A small sip of this drink should probably be fine for a dog. However, dogs can not have ginger ale in larger amounts as they will experience symptoms at some point. It is best to avoid doing it altogether.

Can ginger ale aggravate dog allergies?

Some dogs can be allergic to ginger, even though this is not a very common allergy. If they are allergic, they can experience symptoms after drinking the beverage. Rashes, itching, and vomiting are common symptoms.

More dog nutrition resources

Here are a few other resources talking about giving certain foods to dogs and the effect they have on their health.

You can find a lot more information on the types of food you can feed your dog on our site Dogisa!

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