Are Corgis Good With Cats? – How To Make Them Good Friends

Many people stand on one side in the cats vs dogs argument. But some people love both animals. If you are a Corgi owner and want to get a cat, you might wonder, are Corgis good with cats?

Corgis can absolutely befriend cats in the right circumstances. If you have them both from an early age and socialize them properly, they will grow up as best friends. But there are many mistakes pet owners make when introducing these two pets.

Do Corgis Get Along With Cats?

Having two different animals as pets can be a struggle. Anyone who has had a Corgi and a cat knows that their personalities can be very different.

The Corgi Personality

Corgis are known as friendly and outgoing dogs. They are affectionate with their owners and like cuddling and playing. They are also intelligent but often stubborn and refuse to follow commands when they don’t feel like it. 

The biggest problem with Corgis regarding cats is their high prey drive and herding instincts. They were bred as herding dogs so they like to be bossy. They also like chasing around small animals. But their small size is great as it doesn’t intimidate the cats.

The Cat Personality

When we talk about cats in general, they can all have different personalities from each other, just like dogs do. But there are two common personality types we can see in cats. The first one is an outgoing and confident cat. These cats and Corgis would get along perfectly.

The other one is a timid, shy, and independent cat. This cat would always choose to be by itself and would not get along with the Corgi. But the personality is not fixed and the animals can live together. Early socialization and training are very important though.

How To Introduce A Corgi And A Cat

Introducing your two loving pets should be a slow and careful process. You should follow a few steps if you want this to be successful.

Swapping Scents

You can start by getting them accustomed to each other scents before they meet. This way they will be familiar with each other. You can simply switch up their blankets or beds, or just rub a towel on each pet, and put it under the bowl of the other. Swapping the toys of the Corgi and the kitten also works.

First Introductions

Once you start meeting the pets, you can start with short introductions to desensitize them to each other. You can do this by putting up a gate and putting each animal on the opposite side so they won’t harm each other. After the Corgi spends a little time looking at the cat, switch its attention to something else. Increase the time of the meeting with every session.

Personal Introduction

You must first take your Corgi for a walk before the first in-person meeting. Pent-up energy will be released as a result, preventing any ruckus. Your Corgi needs to be leashed, but the cat is allowed to move about the space. If they are calm, give them both treats and praise for their good behavior. To help them feel comfortable around one another, repeat this activity at least once a day.

Consistency and Patience

Cats and Corgis require patience from their owners. Introducing them will take much longer than expected. The good news is that Corgis are smart dogs and will eventually figure out how to play with the cat. But this will require persistence and tolerance from you. Never be aggressive or reprimand the pets as doing so will only make things worse.

Introducing Your Cat To Your New Corgi

If you have cats and want to adopt a corgi, make sure to do it when the dog is still a puppy. It will be considerably simpler for the Corgi puppy to socialize if it is between 8 and 12 weeks old. It will be more effective the sooner it begins.

The older the Corgi is, the harder it will be to socialize with other animals. Corgis are inherently bossy due to their herding history. The Corgi will get aggressive when a new cat is brought to the house. You will notice barking and nipping the cat trying to “herd” it. Corgis will also chase cats due to their high prey drive.

Introducing Your Corgi To Your New Cat

Introducing your old Corgi with a new cat will lead you to a few problems. Corgis are very territorial dogs and bringing a new pet into their territory will cause a reaction. Your Corgi will start acting aggressively towards the new cat due to territorial aggression.

On top of that, your Corgi can develop jealousy toward the cat. The Corgi will grow impatient when the cat starts consuming most of your time. Your Corgi will make the cat feel bad as a result of his behavior. That will make things even more difficult.

If you insist on getting a new cat, make sure your Corgi has received the appropriate socialization. Likewise, exercise caution when you make them meet for the first time.

Tips To Make Them Get Along

Getting your two loving pets to get along is a long process. But there are some tips you should know about to make it easier.

Socialize Early

If Corgis and cats meet when they are adults, their chances of becoming buddies are reduced. By then, they had evolved various play styles and body languages. Aggression and confusion could follow from this.

You need to socialize your pets early to avoid that. For optimal outcomes, socialize your Corgi from 4-5 months of age. You must exercise more caution if you adopt an adult Corgi. Find out if the dog has ever been socialized with cats and whether it exhibits submissive or dominant behavior.

Give Them Enough Space

Everyone needs a safe space in order to spend some alone time. Having their own spaces will keep the animals relaxed and out of each other’s way when they feel frustrated.

For your Corgi, the best thing you can do is to get it a crate. If you do early crate training, your Corgi will see the crate as a place where it can relax and unwind.

For your cat, a safe space can be anywhere in the house. The cat might like a particular bed or a cat tree that allows it to be high up and far away from the dog. A simple cardboard box is also an option for cats.

Keep An Eye On Them

Some Corgis like cats, but you should still keep an eye on them when they are together. Even considering the small Corgi legs, they are still much larger than cats. If your Corgi plays too rough, it can injure the cat. The cat’s response can be to flee or to climb. If your Corgi pursues it, it could suffer an injury.

Consider hiring a sitter or asking your relatives or friends to watch your dogs if you are unable to keep a check on them. If anything happens and a pet escapes, having a pet tracker and installing security cameras will help you.

Exercise Separately

In order to keep it calm and get along with your cat, you should exercise your Corgi every day. On average, Corgis need 1 hour of exercise daily. This can be split into more sessions during the day. Cats sleep a lot during the day, so the ideal time for a walk would be around the afternoon when the cat is sleeping. 

Besides walking the dog, make sure you give enough attention to the cat as well. Cats also need some physical activity. Around 30 minutes to 1 hour of exercise, every day is recommended.

If you can’t keep up with these tasks, asking for help from family and friends, or hiring a dog walker will help.

Accept Indifference

Since Corgis and cats are distinct species, you might not always be able to make them get along. However, this does not stop them from residing in the same home. The only requirement for the animals is that they refrain from harming one another and maintain their indifference.

Don’t yell at your pets if you see them fighting or acting violently toward one another. According to a study, dogs mimic the hostility of their owners. As a result, you will just increase the tension. In the end, you might find that both animals will start acting aggressively toward you. If you become enraged, take a moment to collect yourself before acting rationally.

Recognize The Signs Of Aggression

When the pets interact with each other, you need to observe their body language. If you see your Corgi showing any signs of aggression, you need to react promptly. Those include:

  • A stiff body language
  • Growling and showing teeth
  • Loud angry barking
  • Lunging forward and nipping
  • Biting

The cat can also show signs of aggression. These include:

  • Stiff, straight-legged upright pose
  • A lowered stiff tail
  • Direct angry stare with upright ears
  • Hackled up hair
  • Hissing, growling, or yowling
  • Swatting with its paws out

If you notice any of these signs, you need to react fast. Separate the animals into their safe places and give them room to calm down. Reintroduce the animals after they’ve calmed down.

Know The Critical Periods

Getting your Corgi with a cat in the same room is fine in most situations, but there are two critical periods – feeding, and playtime.

Both animals are susceptive to food aggression. They are protective of their food and will get angry if someone else is taking it. Because of this, make sure you have their bowls away from each other.

Both animals should also have individual play times. If they have a favorite toy, they won’t like it if anyone else is playing with it. On the other hand, both animals might be curious and want to play with that toy. This has the potential to end up in a fight.

What Cat Breeds Get Along With Corgis?

If you’re adamant about having a Corgi and a cat in your home, you might as well choose the right breed of cat. Some cats will do better with dogs compared to others. Here are some suggestions:

  • Abyssinian – a playful, mischievous cat that likes to play like the Corgi.
  • Bengal – an energetic cat that seeks attention.
  • American shorthair – a popular American cat that enjoys hanging out with dogs.
  • Japanese Bobtail – a cat that enjoys chasing and playing with a ball, just like dogs do.
  • Maine Coon – a large cat that won’t be affected by the Corgi’s size.

Even though these cat breeds are the best choice to get along with Corgis, their personalities can be different. But they have the highest chances of befriending other dogs.

So Are Corgis Good With Cats?

Dogs and cats are known as eternal enemies. But that isn’t always the case. There are instances of dogs and cats living together in the same family. Some Corgi owners may agree with this as well.

Corgis are small, energetic, affectionate fluffballs that are naturally stubborn and bossy. Cats are independent animals but they vary according to their breed. 

Introducing your Corgi to a new cat should be a careful and slow process. You should guide their interactions by letting them get accustomed to each other’s scents and behaviors. In time, both pets will get used to each other.

To be sure that your pets will get along you need to do a few things first. Socialize them early and exercise them well before the meeting. Give them safe spaces and individual feeding and playtimes. Your pets might become friends in the end.


How do I get my Corgi to stop chasing my cat?

The best way to prevent this behavior is to teach a “no” or “leave it” command. Once you notice your Corgi fixating on the cat, say the command, and redirect its attention to something else. Give positive reinforcement afterward.

Do Corgis get along with other animals?

We know that Corgis are good with cats but they are also good with other animals. Corgis get along with other dogs in the home or outside. They are friendly dogs by nature.

What dog breeds get along best with cats?

There are some dog breeds that get along with cats better than Corgis do. These include Golden Retrievers, Labrador Retrievers, Pugs, Poodles, Beagles, and Basset Hounds. Of course, besides their breed, their personality is important too.

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