Do Bulldogs Bark A Lot And How To Stop That Behavior

Bulldogs are big and intimidating dogs to the usual person especially when they start barking aggressively. But do Bulldogs bark a lot?

Luckily, Bulldogs do not bark very much. They are quiet dogs and are known more for the grunting and snoring sounds they make. But in some situations, Bulldogs will start barking excessively. There are a few things to do to stop this behavior.

Do Bulldogs Bark A Lot?

Some dogs never get tired of barking. Bulldogs are a calm and well-mannered dog breed that is not known to bark a lot. They are also very independent and choose to bark only when there is a need to communicate something to the owner.

But everyone needs to express their thoughts from time to time. A provoked Bulldog will react with a loud and scary bark. The amount one Bulldog barks is totally different from another Bulldog.

Bulldogs also use different sounds and noises which are specific to them. Some owners might not like these sounds, while others will love them.

Why A Bulldog Might Bark

You can hear a Bulldog barking for different reasons. So although it is not common, your Bulldog will bark to communicate something with you.

Expressing Enthusiasm And Joy

Most dogs like to bark to express happiness and joy. If you got your Bulldog a new toy it will start barking out of enthusiasm. If you say that it’s time for its favorite food or snack, it will be joyous and bark before it gets the food.

It will bark when it greets you at the door if it has not seen you in a while. It will also bark to get your attention if it sees you eating something tasty and it wants a piece.

Approaching Visitors And Strangers

The most common reason to hear your Bulldog barking is because of some person or animal in its vicinity. The dog considers it its job to warn its owner that someone is approaching and entering its territory. This ends up in producing the loud and scary Bulldog bark that will frighten people that are not used to it or don’t expect it.

Sometimes Bulldogs bark at visitors with whom they are familiar with. So make sure to tell your friends about your dog before inviting them to your home.

two bulldogs playing

Giving A Warning And Territory Disputes

Most dogs have a kind of sixth sense about approaching danger. Just like they warn you of approaching strangers, they will also warn you about other dangers that are ahead. You will notice excessive barking whenever a natural calamity is about to happen.

You will get an angry Bulldog barking away at people and animals entering its territory. It is a way of informing you that someone has entered its territory. But it is also a way to stave off strangers and maintain dominance in its territory.

Communication, Boredom, And Frustration

You might be confused about what your Bulldog is barking at, but sometimes it barks to say hi to its friends across the street.

Your pet likes to socialize and if you don’t play with it, it might get bored. This will result in barking because it wants to grab your attention and inform you that it wants to play.

Besides boredom, your Bulldog will feel frustrated if it doesn’t get enough attention or if it feels unwanted. This will happen when you adopt a new pet or have a new family member.

Expressing A Health Problem

You will end up with a barking Bulldog if it is experiencing some health issues. Some diseases like eczema can make your dog very uncomfortable. Eczema is a skin condition that makes the skin dry and scaly, which feels itchy and sore. If left untreated, your dog will get so uncomfortable that it will start barking a lot but also start smelling bad.

If your dog ate uncooked rice or other inedible product, it may suffer from stomach issues. These will cause it to ask for your attention and help. If you are not sure about what the reason for your dog barking is, it might be due to a health problem, so you should contact your vet.

How To Stop Your Bulldog From Barking 

Whether you have an American or an English Bulldog that won’t stop barking, here are some things that you can do to stop that behavior.

Socialize more

If your dog barks at strangers at the door, it’s because you haven’t done enough socializing. You should start socializing your Bulldog from a young age.

The more people and animals it meets, the easier it will be to adapt to the outside world. They will become used to seeing new people and animals whenever you take a walk or have guests.

If your Bulldog is older and you haven’t done enough socializing at an early age, don’t worry. It’s never too late to get your dog to meet new people. 

Early Training

In order to avoid Bulldog puppy barking, you need to start with training at an early age. Start with your training before the age of three, as Bulldogs reach their maturity at that age. If you have started training after that it will still be useful, but you will need more time to get the results.

Remember to be patient and persistent, as Bulldogs react best to those traits. Use positive reinforcement and healthy treats to promote good behavior. You can also hire a professional dog trainer to help with this problem.

The Quiet Command

A great way to train a dog to stop barking is by using “The Quiet Command”. Teaching your dog about this command takes a lot of time and patience, but it is very worthwhile.

Whenever your Bulldog starts to bark at a stranger, let it bark for around 10 seconds and then distract it. When it pauses, place a tasty treat in front of its nose and calmly say “quiet”. Over time, you will train your dog to bark less and respond to the “quiet” command much quicker. In time treats won’t be needed as it will learn to react to the word without being given anything.

Remove Your Bulldog From The Window

Another way to have your dog stop barking is to get it out of its favorite barking place, the window. When your pup sits at the window it can see all the outside distractions that trigger it to bark. This might be because of excitement, protectiveness, or fear.

You can try using a water squirter to stop your American or English Bulldog to bark whenever it sits at the window. After that, you can give it a treat when it chooses a different spot. You can also put up a children’s gate so you will stop access to the windows.

american bulldog running happily

Other Sounds Bulldogs Make

Dogs can make many different unique sounds for many different reasons. For example, Rottweilers growl and show teeth when happy. Besides the barking which doesn’t happen often, Bulldogs make some other sounds that are unique and interesting.


The grunting sound that Bulldogs make is a quite rare sound among all dog breeds and some owners get Bulldogs exactly because of this.

A Bulldog will grunt whenever it feels excited and happy, as a sign of displeasure, or as a way to get your attention. Another reason why a Bulldog grunts is because of its brachycephalic head. It creates a lot of breathing problems for this dog as it can’t get enough air to breathe so it ends up making this sound.

Snoring And Snorting

Besides the Bulldog barking sound and grunting sound, snoring is a common sound that a Bulldog makes.

Snoring happens when your Bulldog sleeps and the reason is its facial features like its brachycephalic head. It doesn’t allow enough air to enter its respiratory tract. This ends up in a loud snoring sound that sounds like your dog might be congested. It lasts a long time and it may be nerve-wracking during the night.

Bulldogs snort after they’ve sneezed or if they are angry about something. If your Bulldog snores and snorts a bit too much, consider talking to your vet.

Whining And Howling

Bulldogs will whine or cry for different reasons. It’s a sound that most dogs make and they make it because of different reasons. A Bulldog will whine when it’s trying to get your attention to something. It will whine because of stress, excitement, anxiety, fear, pain, or just pure boredom and need for attention. You can give valerian root to your dog to calm it down during these situations.

You might also hear a Bulldog puppy howling at something. Howling is a dog’s way of communicating and it’s used to get attention, contact other dogs, and announce its presence. It is a dog’s natural instinct.

So How Common Is The Bulldog Bark

Bulldogs are a quiet and calm breed that doesn’t bark a lot. They rather make other sounds like grunting, snoring, or snorting. They make these sounds due to their brachycephalic head.

Even if it doesn’t bark a lot, a Bulldog’s bark can be loud and scary. It can be provoked to bark due to strangers approaching your home, territorial disputes, health problems, boredom, or excitement and joy.

In order to prevent your Bulldog from barking excessively, you should socialize and train it from an early age, teach the “quiet” command, and remove it from places that trigger it.


Are Bulldogs aggressive?

Even though you may hear your English or American Bulldogs barking, it is usually not because of aggression. Bulldogs are calm dogs and will only become aggressive when provoked. But they do have a very scary bark if they start getting angry.

Will a Bulldog protect its owner?

Definitely. Bulldogs are very strong and bold dogs and are not afraid to stand their ground. They are also territorial and will immediately start barking to get your attention whenever it feels you are in danger.

Do Bulldogs bark a lot at night?

The Bulldog is not known to bark a lot, but there might be some reasons for waking you up with their bark at night. It might be bored and can’t sleep, it might be anxious and bark at all the nightly sounds, or it might bark to warn you of something.

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