Can Dogs Have Miso Soup? Exploring the Safety and Benefits

As dog owners, we often wonder if certain human foods can be shared with our furry companions. Miso soup has gained popularity among health-conscious individuals. It’s only natural for dog owners to wonder if miso soup is safe and beneficial for their furry companions. 

Dogs can have miso soup in moderation as an occasional treat. It is important to avoid added components like onions or garlic, which can be toxic to dogs. There are other dog-friendly options that offer similar benefits.

What is miso soup and what are its traditional ingredients?

Miso soup is a delicious traditional Japanese cuisine soup, usually made with dashi stock and miso paste. The paste is in fact made from fermented soybeans. Additional components like dried sardines, tofu, and seaweed can be added. Green onions also go well with the dish. The soup is known for its rich and umami flavor. For humans, it is a delicious and healthy meal.

What potential health benefits does miso soup offer to dogs?

Because it is filled with tons of nutrients, there are many health benefits of miso soup for dogs. That said, they can only benefit if they eat it in small amounts.

  • Helps with digestion – Miso soup is rich in probiotics and fiber that maintain a healthy gut and allow regular bowel movements. This means it can be used for dogs with diarrhea or constipation.
  • Aids in bone and muscle health – The high amounts of proteins and amino acids help bones and muscles grow and develop further. Moreover, it packs a punch of beneficial vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that contribute to overall health and well-being.
  • Offers stress relief – It might be the warmth or the delicious taste of the soup, but it often causes sleep and a relaxed feeling to the person eating it. Your dog will have a good nice sleep after eating some of this.

What are the risks of feeding miso soup to dogs?

Even though it can be beneficial, high amounts of miso soup can only do harm to dogs rather than good for a few reasons.

Sodium toxicity

Unfortunately, the amazing taste that comes from miso soup owes a lot to its high sodium content. Dogs can not ingest as much salt as humans can and they can suffer from salt poisoning if they indulge too much.

“Excess salt intake in dogs results in vomiting within several hours after ingestion. Clinical signs can progress to weakness, diarrhea, muscle tremors, and seizures.”, says Dr. Larry J. Thompson for the MSD Veterinary Manual.

Allergic reactions

Because miso soup contains soybean paste, dogs that have allergies to soy-based products can suffer from allergic reactions when they eat it. An allergic reaction can present with rash, itching, vomiting, nausea, and even passing out.

This soup can also contain onion and garlic. They are part of a group of plants called Alliums. These are highly toxic for dogs as they are responsible for causing anemia.


Feeding miso soup to dogs predisposes them to develop pancreatitis due to the high amounts of fat in the soup. Usually, this disease can develop if you feed the soup for longer amounts of time. Dr. Kirstin Mix et al., in a study on diagnosing acute pancreatitis in dogs, explain that:

In a study of dogs with fatal, acute pancreatitis, the most common clinical signs were dehydration, anorexia, vomiting, weakness, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and icterus. Fever, renal failure, respiratory compromise, cardiovascular shock, and multiorgan failure have also been recognized in patients with severe forms of acute pancreatitis.

What to do if your dog ate miso soup?

You shouldn’t panic if your dog ate some miso soup as miso soup is safe for dogs in small amounts. Instead, assess the situation and try to notice how much the dog ate. If your dog is not listening to you when you tell it to stop eating, take the bowl away from its vicinity. Then, figure out the ingredients of the soup and note the ones toxic for dogs.

After this, inform your veterinarian about the situation and wait for further instructions. In some situations, you will need to bring the dog to their office for treatment. Dogs that are intoxicated might need to get some intravenous medications and be hospitalized for a while.

What are some alternative foods or treats that are safe and suitable for dogs?

A good nutritious diet for dogs can include some lean meats like chicken or turkey and plain cooked vegetables. There are a few great soup options for dogs.

  • Bone broth is a good choice for dogs as it has chondroitin, glucosamine, and collagen, which are ideal for joint health.
  • Pumpkin soup is another good option as pumpkin helps dogs with diarrhea. So it is ideal for dogs with digestive system problems.
  • Fish soup can likewise be great for dogs as fish are rich in omega-3 fatty acids that are required for a healthy cardiovascular system.

Are there any recipes that offer similar flavors or nutritional benefits as miso soup?

You can certainly make your own alternatives to miso soup for dogs. Here’s a simple dog-friendly recipe that incorporates safe and healthy dog food ingredients:

  • 2 cups low-sodium chicken or vegetable broth
  • 1/2 cup chopped carrots
  • 1/2 cup chopped green beans
  • 1/4 cup diced pumpkin or sweet potato
  • 1/4 cup chopped parsley

In a pot, combine the broth, carrots, green beans, and pumpkin or sweet potato if using. Once it starts boiling simmer for about 15-20 minutes so vegetables become tender. Remove from heat and let it cool. Stir in the chopped parsley if desired. Serve the vegetable broth in moderation as a flavorful and hydrating treat for your dog.

What are the general guidelines for introducing new foods to dogs’ diets?

If you want to include a new dish in your dog’s diet, make sure you are doing this cautiously. Start by offering small portions and observing your dog’s reaction. Some dogs don’t know when to stop eating so be sure to measure the amounts you give.

Monitor for any signs of allergies, digestive upset, or other adverse effects. Slowly increase the quantity of the new food over a few days, ensuring it agrees with your dog’s system before making it a regular part of their diet.

Should dog owners consult with a veterinarian before incorporating miso soup or any new food into a dog’s diet?

Miso soup can be included in a dog’s diet after consulting with a vet. A veterinarian can assess your dog’s individual needs and provide personalized veterinary recommendations. They will also help you make informed decisions regarding canine nutrition.

They will take the dog’s size, breed, and activity level into consideration. Then, they will decide if your dog is capable of having the food at all, or if it should be avoided. And then, they will also give you advice on the steps to take if complications occur along the way.

So can dogs have miso soup?

Although miso soup is quite tasty and packed with nutrients for us humans, it is not the best idea to include it regularly in your furry friend’s diet. This delicious soup is made with many ingredients that can be very toxic to dogs. Also, the high sodium content can pose risks to dogs’ health by causing salt intoxication. If your dog manages to ingest high amounts of this soup, the best thing would be to not panic and call a vet for help.

There are some good alternative soups you can try that will bring the same benefits to your dog. Soups that have no spices and are made with plain ingredients do best for dogs. Before trying something new with your dog’s diet, inform yourself well of the consequences.


Can dogs eat tofu?

Yes, dogs can eat tofu in moderate amounts. Tofu is a good source of protein and can be a safe addition to a dog’s diet. Watch out to not overfeed the dog though.

Can miso soup be used as a dog food topper?

Dogs can have miso soup in small amounts as an addition to their regular food. Of course, you will have to watch for any toxic ingredients that can harm your dog.

Can puppies and seniors eat miso soup?

You shouldn’t experiment with the diet of puppies and senior dogs because they are more sensitive to changes. Adding dishes that are unsafe can cause multiple problems.

More dog nutrition resources

Here are a few other resources talking about giving certain foods to dogs and the effect they have on their health.

You can find a lot more information on the types of food you can feed your dog on our site Dogisa!

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