Can Dogs Eat Canned Green Beans? – Here’s Everything You Need to Know

Can Dogs eat canned green beans

Adopting a dog can be simultaneously the most rewarding and daunting experience of your life. On the one hand, you get yourself a loyal companion who’s going to love you no matter what. On the other hand, you’ll be responsible for taking care of the dog’s physical and mental wellbeing. Things can be particularly challenging … Read more

Are French Bulldogs Hypoallergenic? All You Need To Know Before Adopting A Frenchie

Are french bulldogs hypoallergic

Before getting a dog, you might be surfing the internet for a number of breeds, big or small, that will suit your lifestyle and your family’s needs. If you are looking for a charming and playful breed, a French Bulldog will surely be a great choice. But are French Bulldogs hypoallergenic? Unfortunately, Frenchies are not … Read more

Pedigree VS Purina – Which is the Best?

Pedigree Vs Purina

Every dog breed has different dietary needs. Finding the right diet for them is not a simple task. There are many dog food companies available that might interest you. We compare two popular pet food companies – Pedigree vs Purina. In short, Pedigree focuses on affordable options, while Purina offers a wider range of specialized … Read more